CAN Newsletter
This unique magazine, established in June 1992, is released quarterly. It comprises technical in-depth articles and application stories. From 2024, it has been merged with the sister publication CAN Newsletter Online. The magazine is downloadable free of charge.
The CAN Newsletter offers the possibility to place advertisements. In the first year after publication, an issue is downloaded in average by some 5000 readers. Additionally, the reader can download single articles. Former issues/articles are also downloaded in the following years. Some of them are downloaded even after ten years after the release.
Depending on the content, this can result in more than 10 000 downloads over the years.

Fake news is cheap to produce. Genuine journalism is expensive,” stated Toomas Hendrik Ilves, Estonian president from 2006 to 2016. CiA goes the hard way: “We ensure that our reporting is fair, balanced, and bias free,” said Holger Zeltwanger, publisher and editor-in-chief.
CAN Community News

CiA sends all three weeks, the CCN (CAN Community News) email to subscribers. It provides Information on CiA activities, CAN-related international standardization, and other brief news on CAN technology. The CCN is the successor of the CMN (CiA Member News) and the CIM (CAN Info Mail) email services. The subscription is free of charge.
Press releases

CiA provides press releases in English and German language. Of course, CiA also provides on request technical in-depth articles for third-party publications. Interviews with CiA representatives, especially members of the board of directors, are possible, too. Please, send inquiries to pr(at) or call +49-911-928819-0.
Here you can access the press releases in English and German language.
Additional information
CAN-related books

Since CAN’s introduction in February 1986 by Robert Bosch more than 25 books about CAN and CAN-based higher-layer protocols (HLPs) were published. CiA provides an overview of such books. They are written in different languages. It is not claimed that this list is complete. If you know additional books, please inform the CiA office.