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Information brochures

March 2024


The third CAN generation: Up to 20 Mbit/s, up to 2048-byte data field, CANsec security at line-speed, Ethernet frames embedded in CAN XL frames, supported by Autosar specififications


September 2023

Welding & cutting

Be smart – join the initiative! – Profile for arc welding and plasma cutting, mapping to the standardized CANopen technology, improving worker safety and regulatory compliance


October 2022

CiA test center

Validate your product to increase user satisfaction: Device conformance assessment, interoperability assessment, CiA plugfest


September 2022

CAN in rolling stock

Embedded CAN-based control networks: From Classical CAN via CAN FD to CAN XL.


November 2021

CAN in Automation

The nonprofit association promotes CAN’s image and provides a path for future developments of the CAN technology.


February 2020

CAN FD - Start now!

The necessary building blocks for CAN FD device design are available. This includes lower-layer hardware (transceiver and protocol controller) and higherlayer protocol software.


November 2019

CANopen FD - The art of embedded networking

CiA 1301: Information on the CANopen FD benefits. Front-end control, low-cost, state-of-the-art, future-proof, and independent.


October 2019

CANopen Lift

Interoperable building blocks enable scalability: Information on the CANopen profile for lift control systems.


April 2019

Construction machines

In this flyer the benefits of using embedded CAN-based control networks in construction machines are explained in English language.


Contact us

Tel.: +49-911-928819-0
Fax: +49-911-928819-79
E-Mail: marketing(at)can-cia.org

I think it may not be a coincidence that the rise of printing and book publication and literacy and the best phenomenon of best sellers all preceded of the enlightenment.

Steven Pinker (born 1954), psychologist


For many years, CiA has been publishing the CANdictionary. It contains brief explanations of CAN-related terms and vocabulary including CAN FD. It is regularly reviewed and updated. Nevertheless, feedback is always welcome.

All CANdictionaries can be downloaded free of charge. Only the English one is available in printed version additionally.

You can order a number of CANdictionaries in printed version (English) at CiA office (headquarters(at)can-cia.org) free of charge.

All can be downloaded. Only the English version is available in paper format additionally.