CiA services

CiA provides services to the entire CAN community independent of a CiA membership. These services address CAN newcomers and CAN experts. They include educational, information, and testing services.
CAN in Automation (CiA)
Kontumazgarten 3
DE-90429 Nuremberg
Tel.: +49-911-928819-0
Fax: +49-911-928819-79
E-Mail: headquarters(at)
Education and training

Since 1992, CiA offers CAN-related seminars. They cover CAN physical layer options, the three CAN data link layer generations (CAN CC, CAN FD, and CAN XL), and several higher-layer protocol approaches (especially for CANopen and CANopen FD). These seminars are characterized that they are not device- and manufacturer-related. CiA trainers have long experiences in teaching CAN technology.
CiA provides also customized in-house seminars.
CiA schedules also free-of-charge webinars, which provide in one hour an overview on different topics. They address decision makers and those, who just like to get a brief introduction in a topic. These webinars do not provide technical details in depth.
Additionally, CiA organizes free-of-charge CiA technology days. They are in-person or online events. These events provide more detailed information about new CAN-related technical developments.
CiA hotline

CiA office assists you in case of CAN-related, technical or marketing-oriented questions. You can reach us by phone: +49-911-928819-0, email, or our social media channels. You can also negotiate an e-meeting, to discuss your issues with us, and together with your team.
CiA publications

Since 1992, CiA informs on latest trends and developments in its publications. The CAN Newsletter magazine, published quarterly, provides background information and deep technical insights. It also provides information on current activities in the CAN community. In case you are searching for CAN-based products, for your current projects, the CiA Product Guide may be a relevant source.
Many of the CiA publications offer space for CAN users to present themselves to the CAN community by means of technical articles, press releases, or advertisement. For details contact our editors or our marketing team.
CAN Community News

This 3-weekly free-of-charge email service provides CAN-related news to the entire CAN community. This includes reports about CiA activities, released CiA documents, available CiA publications, and other topics.
CiA test center

CiA´s test center provides several services to assess the conformity of CANopen CC (classic) and CANopen FD devices to CiA 301 resp. CiA 1301 specifications. The CANopen CC conformance test tool is available at CiA office (free of charge for CiA members), which is used for CANopen CC conformance testing by CiA office. For CANopen FD devices, a CANopen FD conformance testing at CiA office is mandatory. Details on CANopen FD conformance testing, such as the CANopen FD test procedure, are provided by the CiA office.
The iCC

Since 1994, the international CAN Conference has been a unique opportunity to update CAN knowledge and to learn from the experiences of others. The conference offers a deep insight to the state and to the future of CAN-based networking. It is a unique platform to meet CAN experts from all over the world to exchange knowledge and to discuss the latest developments in CAN technology.
Marketing opportunities

CiA offers space for your advertisements in its publications, so that you can present your company to the CAN community. This includes advertisements in the CAN Newsletter magazine, or entries in the CiA Product Guides.
Additionally, you can increase your visibility, by taking part in CiA marketing opportunities, such as CANopen product panels or joint stands on trade shows.