CiA corrigendum proposal ISO 11898-2:2024

ISO (International Organization for Standardization) has published a new version of ISO 11898-1 (Road vehicles – Controller area network – Part 1: Data link layer and physical coding sublayer).

This international standard specifies three protocol generations: CAN CC (classic), CAN FD (flexible datarate), CAN XL (extended data-field length). Additionally, an annex standardizes CAN FD light, a commander/responder network approach intended for simple actuator and sensor networking.

Already last year, CiA has withdrawn technical documents (CiA 610-1 and CiA 604-1), which have been submitted for integration into ISO 11898-1. CiA members are currently preparing the submission of CAN XL and CAN FD light conformance test cases to be integrated into the ISO 16845-1 document (Road vehicles – Controller area network (CAN) conformance test plan – Part 1: Data link layer and physical coding sublayer).

Additionally, CiA is developing technical documents to complete the CAN XL ecosystem. This includes a new version of CiA 611-1 (CAN XL higher-layer services - Part 1: SDU types) and a first relase of CiA 611-2 (CAN XL higher-layer services - Part 2: Multi-PDU). In preparation are CiA 612-1 (CAN XL guidelines and application notes - Part 1: System design recommendations) and CiA 612-2 (CAN XL guidelines and application notes - Part 2: PWM coding implementation guideline). Furthermore, CiA plans the release of the CiA 613 series (CAN XL add-on functions), which includes the CANsec data link cybersecurity sublayer. The CiA 910 series is in development, too; it specifies a CAN physical network simulation model.


CAN in Automation (CiA)
Kontumazgarten 3
DE-90429 Nuremberg

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Fax: +49-911-928819-79
E-mail: secretary(at)