Successful start in Shanghai

CiA has organized a CAN FD roadshow in China. The first stop was in Shanghai with about 80 engineers. 120 participated in Nanjing.

CiA Member News

The May issue of the email service provides brief information on the next CiA activities. This includes the possibility to participate as sub-exhibitor at CiA’s IAS-booth in Shanghai. For details write to headquarters(at)

CiA seminars in Poland

Beginning of June, a CAN/CAN FD seminar and a CANopen seminar take place in Krakow (Poland). This is an excellent opportunity to get first-hand information on CAN technology. Detailed information is available here respectively here.

May issue of CAN Info Mail

The CAN Info Mail, a monthly email service of CiA, contains valuable information about upcoming events and CAN-related news. Here is the online version.

CiA roadshow in China

CiA as well as its members Guangzhou Zhiyuan, HMS, Hongke and Microchip are organizing a Chinese roadshow on CAN FD device and system design in May. The detailed schedule can be find here. You can register via email.

CiA Member News

The April issue mainly contains information about the 1st CiA CAN cyber security workshop. Employees of CiA member companies may subscribe to the monthly CiA Member News email service. You can register via email.

EU data protection law

Now, CiA provides two monthly email services: CAN Info Mail and CiA Member News (for members only). You can subscribe to them by sending an email. This is to comply with EU General Data Protection Regulation in power by end of May.

CiA 320 released

The CANopen sleep and wake-up handling of CAN nodes is specified in CiA 320. It is used by CiA 447 and CiA 454 devices, for example, and can be used by other battery-powered devices, too.

Second issue of CMN

Employees of CiA member companies may subscribe to the new CiA Member News (CMN) email service. The second issue was just sent to the subscribers. If you like to subscribe to it, send an email to mail(at) (subject: CMN).

CAN Info Mail

CiA provides a new email service: The CAN Info Mail (CIM) will be sent monthly to its subscribers. It contains mainly links to interesting information. If you like to subscribe to it, send an email to mail(at) (subject: CIM).