Webinar CiA´s 30th anniversary

Holger Zeltwanger and Reiner Zitzmann give a summary on CiA's 30th anniversary event in the CiA webinar on July 07, 2022. It starts at 18:00 (UTC+2). Register here.

Next CiA technology day

On July 6, the online CiA technology day provides an overview about current CiA specification developments. This includes CAN FD Light and CAN XL as well as CiA profiles and a generic CAN bootloader. Registration is open.

30 years CAN Newsletter

Another 30-years anniversary: The first CAN Newsletter was published in June 1992. The June issue 2022 features CAN applications in maritime and airborne electronics as well as an open-source CANopen protocol stack.

CiA 458 released as DS

The CANopen device profile for energy measurements has been updated editorially. It has been released as Draft Specification (DS) and is now part the CiA 4XX series subscription.

CiA BoD re-elected

On the annual CiA general assembly, Uwe Koppe has been confirmed as Technical Director as well as Christian Schlegel as Business Director. The third member of the Board of Directors (BoD) is Holger Zeltwanger (Managing Director) again.

Second CAN XL plugfest

Beginning of May, CiA organized the 2nd CAN XL plugfest. An article in CAN Newsletter Online provides some details about it. CiA members can request a more detailed report.

Don’t miss the party

The CiA anniversary event on June 1 to June 2 with technical presentations includes also the annual CiA General Assembly, in which the Board of Directors as well as the permanent members of the Business and the Technical Committees are elected.

CiA 309 series

This series specifies the CANopen access from TCP-based networks (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 5). Recently, these documents have been moved unchanged from DSP to DS status, meaning that non-members can subscribe to them.

Workshop: Configurable network components

CAN in Automation (CiA) has scheduled a web-based workshop on May 24, 2022, 10:00 to 12:00 (UTC+2). On occasion of this workshop, CiA intends to discuss requirements of a modern configurable network component that is intended to interconnect several CAN, CAN FD, or CAN XL-based embedded networks. For registration please contact secretary(at)can-cia.org.

Draft DIN 14704 for comments

The German standardization body calls for comments on the draft standard for body gateways for fire-fighting vehicles. This standard is written in English language and it is based on DIN 4630.