CiA® 456: CANopen interface profile for configurable network components
This profile specifies the CANopen interface for configurable network components that provide CAN bridge functionality and have up to 16 CAN ports, including one configurable CANopen port. Via this CANopen port, CAN data frame forwarding between CAN ports of such a device is configured. The properties of the higher-layer protocols running on other up to 15 CAN ports are not considered in this specification. A CAN port can receive and send CAN data frames to all other CAN ports. Due to configuration enabled via the CANopen configuration port, it is possible to define by CAN-ID or CAN-ID range to which CAN port or CAN ports CAN data frames are forwarded. The figure illustrates the principle block diagram of a configurable network component compliant with this specification.
The functionality of configurable network components according to CiA 456 can be enhanced by functionalities specified in other CiA specifications. Additional mechanisms for extending beyond the boundaries of a single CAN network by a certain type of gateway application are provided in the following specifications:
- CiA 302-7 describes the interface for bi-directional CANopen-to-CANopen communication in multi-level networks. It supports multiple CANopen networks implementing hierarchical and non-hierarchical architectures. Similar to CiA 456, a CiA 302-7 device may provide bridge functionality by means of system variables. However, in contrast to CiA 456, all CAN interfaces of a CiA 302-7 device must support CANopen as the higher-layer protocol. In addition, a CiA 302-7 device enables remote access from one local network to up to 31 remote networks via the “remote SDO service.”
- CiA 309 specifies network access services to a CANopen-based network for devices that interface between an Ethernet-based network and a CANopen network. Access is only possible from the Ethernet side to CANopen, not vice versa. Especially the part defining, for example, reset and configuration of the gateway’s CAN data link layer(s) may be of interest.
- CiA 315 provides the transport protocol for bridging two CAN networks via a wireless transmission medium (WTM). The specified CAN diagnostic data, accessible via the wireless communication link, may also be of interest for CiA 456 devices. Together with CiA 315, CiA 457 should be considered.
Depending on the use case and application field, one of the other CiA interface profiles may be of interest, as well.
Title | Details | Published Size |
Status Action |
ScopeThis specification describes the interface for bi-directional CANopen-to-CANopen communication in multi-level networks. It supports multiple CANopen networks implementing hierarchical and non-hierarchical architectures. |
2009-02-02 907 KB | DSP Login |
ScopeThis part specifies the mapping to CANopen communication services to access CANopen networks from the other networks. |
2020-04-06 897 KB | DS Login |
ScopeThis specification defines the services and protocols to interface CANopen networks to other (e.g. TCP/IP-based) networks. This set of specifications is organized as follows: • Part 1: General principles and services; • Part 2: Modbus/TCP mapping; • Part 3: ASCII mapping; • Part 4: Amendment 7 to Fieldbus Integration into PROFINET IO. Part 2 specifies the mapping of services defined in CiA 309-1 on Modbus/TCP. It is intended to access CANopen devices via a CiA 309 gateway device from a remotely Modbus/TCP connected device (e.g. PLC or tool). |
2015-07-30 1,017 KB | DS Login |
ScopeThis part specifies the ASCII-based communication syntax for CiA 309 gateway devices. The aim is to provide a lightweight counterpart to solutions with CORBA or OPC. |
2020-04-06 762 KB | DS Login |
ScopeThis guideline describes the integration of CANopen systems into PROFINET IO. It shall be used as basis for the development of linking devices between CANopen and PROFINET. Base for this document is the general fieldbus integration document [4]. The primary use case is to connect CANopen Devices to PROFINET controllers in that way, that the Linking Device is a modular device and the CANopen Devices are modules within the Linking Device. The elements of the system should behave as described in the PROFINET IO specification. |
2011-03-01 657 KB | DSP Login |
Scope |
2020-04-06 2 MB | DS Login |
ScopeThis specification specifies the generic frame for the transparent transmission of CAN messages on a wireless network. |
2011-08-09 626 KB | DSP Login |
ScopeThis document specifies the CANopen interface for configurable network components that provide CAN bridge functionality and have up to 16 CAN ports including one configurable CANopen port. Via this CANopen port, the CAN message routing between the remaining 15 CAN ports of such a device is configured. The properties of the higher layer protocols that are running on these 15 CAN ports are not in the scope of this specification. For such applications other specifications may apply and may be combined with this profile. |
2012-07-11 457 KB | DSP Login |
ScopeThis document specifies the CANopen interface profile for devices providing a gateway function to wireless transmission media ports. |
2022-08-09 725 KB | DS Login |