CiA® 306: Electronic Device Description (EDD)
This document specifies a set of file formats such as Electronic Data Sheet (EDS) in CiA 306-1, Device Configuration File (DCF) in CiA 306-1, CANopen profile database (CODB) in CiA 306-2 as well as CANopen network configuration in CiA 306-3. The files designed according to these formats serve purpose to simplify integration of devices into embedded CANopen networks. Besides that, the files can be used in various manufacturer specific tools to feed information about the device to the tool which performs network performance evaluation and network management, configuration, operation and diagnostics. Additionally, test tools such as CANopen Conformance Test Tool use files in CODB and EDS formats to test device properties and device compliance with CANopen. The integration of devices in a CANopen communication network requires configuration of the device parameters and communication properties. CANopen defines a standardized way to access the parameters using the object dictionary. For handling of the complexity of CANopen systems, software tools are required. Using such tools reduces the complexity of the planning, configuration and analysis and significantly increases the security of the system.

Electronic Data Sheet
The EDS format describes functions and properties of any not configured CANopen device implemented according to CiA 301 (generic device), CiA 401 to CiA 463 device and application profiles. The EDS file lacks the configuration properties such as used bit rate, node-ID and parameter value and thus can only be used for a general description of the device. The mentioned configuration properties are added with the DCF file. The EDS format syntax is BNF-based. The EDS file is a text file with the extension “eds”.
Device Configuration File
The DCF format describes functions and properties of a device in a specific configuration. The DCF is generated from the provided EDS file and thus specially designed for the PLC or a tool configuring the device in the specific CANopen network. Although PLC or a tool capable of the device configuration can use EDS files for that purpose, the DCF is a recommended standardized way to do so. The DCF format syntax is derived from the EDS format syntax and is BNF-based as well. The DCF file is a text file with the extension “dcf”.
Modular device description
The modular format extends EDS and DCF formats with functions and properties of modules for devices with a modular structure. The suitable example of a modular structure is a bus coupler. The modular EDS and DCF format syntaxes are derived from the EDS format syntax and thus are also BNF-based. The modular EDS and DCF file is a text file with the extension “eds” or “dcf”.
CANopen profile database
CANopen profile database describes functions and properties of a device implemented according to the generic and a specific CiA device profile. It is used to be checked against the EDS file. CANopen Conformance Test Tool uses CODB-file for CiA 301 to check the EDS file correctness itself for any CANopen device. Further CODB files for CiA device profiles are supported and are integrated into CANopen Conformance Test Tool installation package and therefore can be used to check the EDS file designed for the specific device profile. CiA maintains CODB files. The CODB format syntax is EBNF-based and can be read in the MS EXCEL file as a “:” formatted file with the extension “csv”.
CANopen network description
CANopen network file or a “Nodelist” format describes all devices in this network referred to by their DCF files as well as topology and shared process parameters, so called network variables. Additionally, to allow system-wide independent identification of device parameters, devices themselves and networks as well as device discovery in networks beyond embedded CANopen, a specific set of so-called reference designators is used. This file format is used by the IEC 61131-compliant CANopen network configuration tools. The file format syntax is derived from the EDS format syntax and is BNF-based. The “Nodelist” is a text file with the extension “cpj”.
Title | Details | Published Size |
Status Action |
ScopeThis specification specifies the CANopen application layer. This includes the data types, encoding rules and object dictionary objects as well as the CANopen communication services and protocols. In addition, this specification specifies the CANopen network management services and protocols. This specification specifies the CANopen communication profile, e.g. the physical layer, the pre- defined communication object identifier connection set, and the content of the Emergency, Time- stamp, and Sync communication objects. |
2011-02-21 3 MB | PAS Login |
ScopeThis set of documents specifies the electronic description of CANopen devices in harmonized file formats such as electronic data sheet and device configuration file, which are used to configure CANopen device parameters as well as for testing and diagnostic pu rposes. This set of documents consists of the three parts: ⎯ Part 1: Electronic data sheet and device configuration file; ⎯ Part 2: Profile database; ⎯ Part 3: Network variable handling and tool integration. This part of the document specifies the electronic dat a sheets as well as the device configuration files. Additionally, it specifies CANopen Safety device entries for EDS and DCF in the Annex A, the relationship between object attributes and EDS (DCF) keynames in the Annex B, and EDS examples in the Annex C. The specification of an XML-based CANopen device description is not in the scope of this set of documents. |
2019-08-01 687 KB | DSP Login |
ScopeThis set of documents specifies the electronic description of CANopen devices in standardized file formats. These electronic descriptions are used to configure CANopen device parameters or for testing and diagnostic purposes. This set of documents consists of the three parts: ⎯ Part 1: Electronic Data Sheet and Device Configuration File; ⎯ Part 2: Profile database; ⎯ Part 3: Network variable handling and tool integration. This part specifies the CANopen profile database format, which is used by tools (e.g. EDS file checker). The specification of an XML-based CANopen device description is not in the scope of this set of documents. |
2019-08-01 759 KB | DSP Login |
ScopeThis set of documents specifies the electronic description of CANopen devices in standardized file formats. These electronic descriptions are used to configure CANopen device parameters or for testing and diagnostic purposes. This set of documents consists of the three parts: ⎯ Part 1: Electronic data sheet and device configuration file; ⎯ Part 2: Profile database; ⎯ Part 3: Network variable handling and tool integration. This part specifies mechanisms with regard to the handling of network variables, which are specified in CiA 302-4. In addition recommendations for tool integration are provided. NOTE This document contains parts of the withdrawn document CiA 405. |
2019-08-01 431 KB | DSP Login |
ScopeThis document specifies the functional behavior and parameters of generic analog and digital input and output devices. Additionally, Annex A specifies the functional behavior and parameters of specific analog and digital input and output devices such as joysticks. |
2023-06-19 3 MB | DSP Login |
ScopeThis document specifies the CANopen mapping for a generic digital and analog I/O device and joystick. Annex B specifies CANopen mapping CiA 401-B for joysticks. |
2023-06-19 717 KB | DSP Login |
ScopeThis document specifies the CANopen FD mapping for generic digital and analog I/O devices and joysticks (Annex B). |
2023-06-19 584 KB | DSP Login |
ScopeThis CANopen profile specifies generic CANopen digital and analog input and output devices. Devices compliant to this specifications use communication techniques, which conform to those described in the CANopen application layer and communication profile specification. In addition, programmable I/O devices may use communication techniques, which conform to those described in the CANopen additional application layer functions. This profile consists of several parts: ⎯ Part 1: Generic I/O devices ⎯ Part 2: Joysticks This part of the profile specifies the CANopen interface for joysticks and similar devices, e.g. foot-pedals. |
2013-02-12 494 KB | PAS Login |
ScopeThis CANopen profile specifies generic CANopen digital and analog input and output devices. Devices compliant to this specifications use communication techniques, which are conform to those described in the CANopen application layer and communication profile specification. In addition, programmable I/O devices may use communication techniques, which conform to those described in the CANopen additional application layer functions. This device profile specification consists of several parts: ⎯ Part 1: Generic I/O devices ⎯ Part 2: Joysticks This part of the device profile specifies the CANopen interface for modules with generic analog and digital inputs and outputs. The first default TPDO and RPDO support up to 64 digital inputs, respectively up to 64 digital outputs both grouped byte-wise. The remaining default PDOs transmit or receive up to 12 analog inputs respectively up to 12 analog outputs both with a 16-bit resolution. All TPDOs are triggered by change-of-state. Therefore, default TPDOs containing analog inputs are disabled. Besides the default byte-wise access to digital I/Os, optional bit-, word-, and double-word access may be supported. Besides the default 16-bit resolution for the analog I/Os, optional 8-bit, 32-bit, floating-point and manufacturer-specific resolutions may be supported. Several parameters are specified to configure the input and output behavior (e.g. trigger conditions for inputs, output behavior in case of internal device failures. |
2013-02-12 2 MB | PAS Login |
ScopeThis document specifies operating principles and the application data for IO-Link interface devices. This includes the functional behavior and general specifications of the application parameters. |
2019-06-27 717 KB | DS Login |
ScopeThis document specifies the mapping of the IO-Link gateways to CANopen. This includes the specifications of the Classic CAN physical layer, data link layer, and the Classic CANopen communication parameters. |
2019-06-27 354 KB | DS Login |
ScopeThis document specifies the mapping of the IO-Link gateways to CANopen FD. This includes the specifications of the CAN FD physical layer, data link layer, and the CANopen FD communication parameters. |
2019-06-26 333 KB | DS Login |