CiA® 1305: Layer setting services (LSS) for CANopen FD

LSS introduces communication services between an LSS manager (typically residing in the host controller) and LSS servers. LSS enables the LSS manager to modify the LSS server’s CANopen FD network-ID and node-ID. Additionally LSS provides means to modify the CAN FD bit timing parameters (for both nominal bit rate and data bit rate) in all CANopen FD devices. The LSS for CANopen FD are specified in the document CiA 1305.

CANopen FD network-ID and node-ID assignment via LSS

The entire 128-bit CANopen FD Identity object 1018h (vendor-ID, product-code, revision number, serial number, as specified in CiA 1301) is considered the LSS address. The LSS address is a unique number for any CANopen FD device. Therefore an LSS manager can differentiate between several LSS servers, by means of the LSS address, even if these LSS servers do not yet own a valid network-ID or node-ID. Using the LSS switch state selective FD command, the LSS manager forces exactly one LSS server to enter the LSS configuration state. Only in this state does the LSS server accept a new network-ID or node-ID proposed by the LSS manager. It is the LSS manager’s responsibility to ensure that during the assignment of the network-ID or node-ID, there is only one LSS server in the LSS configuration state.

In case the LSS manager does not know the LSS addresses of the LSS servers, it has several means to detect them. If the LSS servers already have a valid network-ID and node-ID, the LSS manager just reads the content of the object 1018h, from all LSS servers in the system, via USDO (universal service data object). In case the LSS servers do not have a valid network-ID and node-ID, the LSS manager has to rely on additional LSS services. The LSS switch state selective FD service enables to scan for unconfigured LSS servers within a given LSS address range using a 4-bit-nibble-masks. By performing multiple scanning cycles, the LSS manager can identify exactly one unconfigured LSS server and can subsequently assign it a valid CANopen FD network-ID and node-ID.

CANopen FD bit timing parameter modification, via LSS

The LSS enable the LSS manager to switch the entire CANopen FD network from one pair of nominal bit rate and data bit rate, to another. Changing the bit timing parameters in all CANopen FD devices, connected to the very same CANopen FD network, causes this. The LSS manager configures the intended bit timing parameters, individually, via LSS in all CANopen FD devices in the network. After the successful configuration, the LSS manager requests the bit timing switch by means of a global LSS service, at all LSS servers, at the very same time. After a switch delay, all devices in the CANopen FD network operate on the new nominal bit rate and data bit rate, based on new bit timing parameters.

It is recommended to use the switching of LSS bit timing parameters very carefully. In case there is at least one device that is not switching correctly, the CANopen FD network shows a severe error behavior. A proper control system is not available any longer. CAN controllers of CANopen FD devices, operating on the “wrong” bit timing, end up in the CAN error state Bus off, cannot communicate via CAN any longer, and have to be dismantled from the system for re-configuration purposes. Only in a separate system, running on the same bit rates, these devices can be re-configured, prior to installing them again in the control system. For the initial adjustment of the CANopen FD bit timing parameters, the LSS bit timing switch service is not suitable. For such scenarios, methods such as the CANopen automatic bit rate detection (CiA 801) may be used, in an adapted format, suitable for CANopen FD.

Identification of unconfigured LSS servers using LSS switch state selective FD service

In case several unconfigured LSS servers exist in a CANopen FD system, they can be identified by means of the LSS switch state selective FD service. To fulfill the service, the 128-bit LSS address was divided into 32 pieces (nibbles) of four bit each. The LSS manager consequently asks the LSS servers for the values of each nibble. 16 messages with the CAN-IDs from 07D0h to 07DFh are used as possible feedback. When the LSS manager requests the value of the first nibble, the LSS servers reply with 07D0h if their first nibble is zero, 07D1h if it is one and so forth until 07DFh if their first nibble is 0Fh. Then, the LSS manager takes the first response (all others are ignored for this cycle) and packs the first nibble value into the next request. The LSS servers with the first matching nibble inform the LSS manager about the second-nibble value using the 16 messages with the mentioned CAN-IDs. This cycle is repeated until all nibbles have been processed and a single, unconfigured LSS server is identified. Then, the LSS manager can assign the network-ID and the node-ID to this LSS server.

To reduce the boot-up time in CANopen FD systems that may be modified by the end user, the LSS manager can store previously identified LSS addresses. On each power-up, the LSS manager first attempts to use these stored LSS addresses. If an unconfigured LSS server remains in the system, the LSS switch state selective FD cycle is initiated.

CiA 702 offers LSS FD services to CANopen CC-based systems

CiA 1305 introduces powerful functions that allow accelerated commissioning and continued operation of applications which can be changed dynamically, even at system runtime. Since many applications still use a CAN CC data link layer, the CiA 702 document offers these powerful functions to systems using CANopen CC. In CiA 702, all services are mapped to CAN CC data frames.


Title Details
CiA 801 version 1.0.0 CANopen automatic bit-rate detection

This technical report describes the recommended practice and gives application hints for implementing automatic bit-rate detection in CANopen devices. With the Layer Setting Services (LSS) it is possible to change the bit-rate in CANopen networks. However, this mechanism fails in certain situations. Some low-cost devices that do not support LSS at all could also benefit from the recommended automatic bit-rate detection method. This technical report discusses an approach for automatic bit-rate detection in CANopen networks. As introduction the possible solutions to detect an unknown bit-rate for CAN controllers (Software / Hardware) are presented. The technical report will focus on situations where automatic bit-rate detection fails (no traffic on the bus, error frames) and how to avoid these deadlocks.

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CiA 1301 version 1.1.0 CANopen FD application layer and communication profile

This document specifies the CANopen FD application layer and communication profile. This includes the data types, encoding rules, and object dictionary data objects as well as the CANopen FD communication services and protocols. In addition, this document specifies the CANopen FD network management services and protocols. It covers also the mapping to the CAN lower layers (CAN FD data link layer and CAN physical medium attachment options).

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CiA 1305 version 2.0.0 CANopen FD layer setting services (LSS) and protocols

This document specifies the layer setting services (LSS) and the layer setting protocols for CANopen FD devices.

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CiA 702 version 1.0.0 Usage of CiA 1305 LSS FD services in CANopen CC environment

This document specifies implementing LSS FD services in a CANopen CC network and describes its beneficial usage. It provides hints with regard to the implementation and usage of the LSS services as well.

2024-12-09 236 KB DSP Login